Welcome to Drifty Docs!

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does Drifty GUI not open on my Windows machine?

Your Windows machine must have Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable installed on your machine. You can download and install it from its official download page (opens in a new tab)

Which IDE (Integrated Development Environment) should I use to open Drifty App Code in my Local environment?

You can use any IDE you like. It is recommended to use IntelliJ IDEA (opens in a new tab). You can use the free Community version of IntelliJ IDEA if you do not have a JetBrains subscription.

How can I get updates related to this project?

You can join our Discord server (opens in a new tab) to get updates on this project. You can also watch this repository by clicking on the watch button here (opens in a new tab) and select notification types to All Activity to get all updates on this project.

What technologies does Drifty use?

The technologies that Drifty uses are as follows:

  • Java - for the backend part of the application
  • JavaFX - for the GUI part of the application
  • Docker - for containerizing Drifty to add support for more platforms and help in faster local development
  • Next.js - for building the official Website of Drifty (opens in a new tab)

How can I contribute to Drifty?

You can check the Contribution section of this documentation to learn how to contribute to this project.

How can I update Drifty to the latest version?

Automatic updates are not supported yet and are still a work-in-progress (opens in a new tab). To update Drifty, download the latest version (opens in a new tab) from the official website and install it.

How can I access the Beta features in Drifty?

Currently, Beta features are available only through Docker images. You can check the official GitHub Docs for Drifty (opens in a new tab).

Do you require any detailed explanations of Drifty?

For more queries related to the further improvement to this project, you can raise an issue (opens in a new tab) or reach out to the maintainers on the discord server (opens in a new tab). We will be happy to help you out.