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Drifty GUI

Drifty GUI Overview

Drifty GUI is a graphical user interface for Drifty that allows you to download files from the internet with just a few clicks. It provides a simple and intuitive interface that makes downloading files easy and convenient. You will spend most of your time using the main interface of Drifty GUI, so it's important to understand its components and their functions.

Drifty GUI Main Interface

The Menu Bar

The menu bar is located at the top of the window and contains the following menus:

  • Menu: Contains options for opening the Project Website and the Exit option. Menu
  • Edit: Contains options to Clear Download History and open the Settings window. Edit
  • Window: Contains the option to Toggle Full Screen. Window
  • Help: Contains options to Contact Support, Contribute, Report a Bug, Report a Security Issue, Suggest a feature, and About Drifty. Help

The Link Input Field

The link input field is located at the top-center portion of the window and is where you can paste the URL of the file you want to download. Once you have pasted the URL, Drifty will automatically detect the file name and check if it already exists in the download history or download directories to prevent duplicate downloads. Auto-detecting file name

The Directory Input Field

The directory input field is located in the middle-center portion of the window and is where you can specify the directory where you want to save the downloaded file. By default, the directory is set to {user_home}/Downloads. You can manage directories by right-clicking on the directory input field to open a context menu that lists all previously used download directories. You can also Add a new directory by clicking on Add Folder. Directory Context Menu

The File Name Input Field

The file name input field is located at the bottom-center portion of the window and is where you can specify the name of the file you want to save. By default, the file name is automatically detected from the URL.

The Auto-Paste Checkbox

The auto-paste checkbox is located at the top-right portion of the window and is used to enable or disable the auto-paste feature. When enabled, Drifty will automatically paste the URL from the clipboard into the link input field. When you return to the app after copying a URL, it will automatically paste into the link input field.

The Start Button

The start button is located at the bottom-right portion of the window and is used to start the download process. When you click the start button, Drifty will start downloading all the files specified in the task list, one by one.

The Download Queue

The download queue is located on the left side of the window and displays the list of files that are currently in the download queue. You can manage the download queue by right-clicking on a file to open the context menu, which allows you to Delete the selected file from the queue or Clear files from the queue. The menu also has the Information option to show the Help window. Download Queue Context Menu